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Middle School

This summer, students entering middle school should:

1. Dedicate Time to Reading

Students should read material that they enjoy, can read with fluency and comprehension, and that challenges their thinking. In addition, according the the U.S. Department of Education, students should read for a minimum of thirty minutes daily. Avid readers should obviously not limit themselves to thirty minutes per day. 

2. Self-Select Reading Material

Students in middle school will not be assigned specific books to read; instead, they will find and choose books on their own (see Books tab for ideas).


Note - parents or guardians should be involved in the process of choosing books if they have any concerns about appropriateness and suitability of their child's choice of reading material. 

3. Share Books and Reading Experiences with Other Readers

Students are encouraged to talk to other readers during the summer. In September, they will continue their conversations with their classmates.

4. Be Ready for September!

While students may read several books over the summer, they will be required to talk to their classmates about one book  that was meaningful to them.


Students will be assessed on the following components (based on the NJ Student Learning Standards for Speaking and Listening):


  • Come prepared to discuss ideas supported by textual evidence

  • Follow rules of collegial discussion

  • Pose questions that contribute to the conversation

  • Respond thoughtfully to various perspectives, summarize points of agreement and disagreement, and justify own views to make new connections in light of information presented


Resources Consulted:

Stephen Krashen: Free Voluntary reading: New Research, Applications, and Controversies​

Washington Post: Getting kids to read: The 5 key habits of lifelong readers

Department of Education: Why Summer Reading Pays Off Year-Round

Kittle, Penny. Book Love: Developing Depth, Stamina, and Passion in Adolescent Readers. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann, 2013.

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